Just yesterday, I went for my now fortnightly checkup. 34 weeks 4 days.
Doctor Delaila told us that the baby has turned around now, with the feet at the top and the head at the bottom - good news alhamdulillah - no more bridge position. Meaning a very big possibility of normal delivery.
Baby has also gained 500g from the check up last 2 weeks..and I have gained none. "It's weird.. you didn't gained any weight at all!" said the doctor.
Doc said she's expecting a 3kilo baby by the 40th week, and then I started counting today and realized that if the rate is 500g every 2 weeks, then the baby will be almost 3.5kg by the 40th week! Waaaa... don't laaaaa too big... i'm scared that it'll hurt! - not that I can runaway from pain - but still!
Anyways yesterday too, we were told to register for pre-admission at the hospital. We were briefed on what I should do whenever I start feeling the labour pain. We had to choose our first choice of room when checking in the hospital, and then signed some documents on some hospital patient agreements.
And then we left the hospital thinking...oh my! 5 more weeks to go! This is really happening! "Are you ready??" I asked Mr. "Let's do this!!!" he said.
Uh ohh.... excited and nervous feeling all at the same time yo!
Erin, I am praying for you and your baby ok. InsyaAllah everything will be okay. The pain will just go away as soon as your baby is in your arms (not that I have any experience in giving birth). Haha..