You need money to make more money.

These days, we've been busy establishing our business. Meeting people to discuss on the right design and packaging, calling and emailing potential clients, cracking head to understand all these html codings for our website. We're currently looking at supplying Hari Raya hampers, and so far, the response has been pretty encouraging, alhamdulillah.

I've always thought of running my own business. But it was only a thought. I kept on telling myself that "Better focus on my career now and get as much money first, then only think of business,". Never has it crossed my mind that business does not necessarily mean something with huge capital. START SMALL. As always, Mr is the risk taker, so he challenged us. Lets just try to do this!

Mr imagines that in the future, we will live with style and comfort, with money that we've worked really hard for. We bought our first car two months back, the cheapest range of Proton, the manual white colored 1.3 Saga. "Lets start small..and slowly build up..why spend so much money on a car at such an early stage?" he said. "Lets save some of the cash we have, and make money from the money we have..."

That's the truth: You need money to make more money.

We will be having kids one day for now, we need to make as much money as we can so that when a baby comes into the picture, we can live comfortably, without worrying too much about money. We can focus on bringing up the kids the best way  - which may include me quitting work and be there with them the first few years of their growth.

Other than that, I also have to agree that we both have a certain modern lifestyle that we've been living these years that requires quite high maintenance. We can choose to leave those behind, but that's what comfort is, so if you want to continue living in that, WORK FOR IT!

So whenever we see an opportunity, we open up the possibilities. Even something as low as making RM100 per week is good enough, that will cover the car monthly repayment!

InsyaAllah. Money doesn't grow on trees. It needs hard work.

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