Oh what a morning!
Since me and Mr work at the same office, we go in one car everyday. Today, Mr had to attend an interview for his MBA course that he's applied. So, I had to drive on my own to the office.
I decided to take my dad's old E230 Mercedes.
When safely arrived at the parking space, I smell something burning. Then I realized that the car had overheated and there was smoke coming out of its hood!
Here's something else. Mr has been working here for quite sometime. So he gets the parking space here near the office. But today, I had to park at the parking place, 2km away from the office. Usually, there's a shuttle van that picks the staffs to and fro, but today, the shuttle van decided to break down too! And so I had to walked all the way to the office with my 1 inch heels (1 inch je, i know heh) and my laptop bag that when I arrived the office, I think I've lost weight! (DERAAAAMMMMMA!)
So anyways, mom called AAM, and then it seems that because I'm not more 21 yrs old, I'm not entitled to the supplementary clause. So, mom had to come to the office instead with a tow truck.We had to push the super heavy merce towards the tow truck as it couldn't start. Mom brought another car in exhange, and she and sister rode on the tow truck to the workshop. As for me, I rode on the parking staff's motorcycle back to the office. There's NO way I'm going to walk another 2km back to the office!