We need to be independent!
So, we've been married 4 months now (wehoooo!) and I STILL suck at being a wife.
My sleeping time hasn't been consistent. Most of the time 7 hrs, sometimes 6 hrs, and sometimes even 9 hrs!
Most of the days, we leave the house in a hurry (thanks to my procrastination habit), and pack our breakfast instead.
I cook once in a while, when I feel like it, or when Mr feels like eating something. But it hasn't been a routine yet.
Our room's in a mess.
Here's the thing. We've talked about it and we think we need to move out. We need to be independent. We're spoilt! We're sooo indiscipline! Manja sgt...! Leaving in a big house with a maid where food is ready all the time, clothes are washed, folded and ironed. We don't even have a routine of who's responsible for what. We need to learn to be independent and establish ourselves before a baby comes into the picture. We need to settle down.
We did tell ourselves that we'll start looking for a house 6 months down the road, and it's already 4 months..we need to start looking. Baby, our honeymoon period is OVER!
We need to start looking at life seriously now... while still honeymoon-ing lah hihi.