Green Apple!

My cousin Tania asked me the other day, "So, what will be your wedding theme?"

I DON'T KNOW! I've never really had a theme in mind before!

"Ok what colour do you like? Green right?"

"Green apple would be nice."

"Eh and then we can literally put green apples!"

...."and you can have a white dress, and the bridesmaids can all be in green,"

...."and we can have the DKNY apple perfume.. and we can hang apples here and there..."

by then, my aunty and my mom were already jumping into the conversation..and then...poooof! There goes my wedding theme: Green Apple!

Did some online research and look at what I've found. Simply B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L :)

OK. Now, I'm excited :D

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