Our recent trip to Malacca & How Things Turned Sour

Last weekend, Mr. joined his RootWommers group (Word-of-Mouth Marketing) for a roadshow in Malacca. He told me one morning, "Let's go for a short trip to Melaka!" and I said, "Okay!" rightaway.

I was already in my 34th week of pregnancy then, and the idea of a random getaway just before Baby No.2 pops out sounds pretty good! It was only about 2 hours away, so I guess its okay.

We brought Aisya to the Malacca Zoo when we first arrived. It was a weekday, thus the zoo was pretty quiet. However, there was still a birdshow that Aisya really enjoyed watching! She kept asking for the show again after that. The last time we brought her to the zoo was when she was about 1.5years I think. We could only see reactions from her and also a word or two like, "Bird", "Moo" etc. This time around, it was pretty fun to hear her comments and stories and reactions. She was referring a lot of the animals to the movie Lion King and also Madagascar, saying things like "I want to see more animals mummy!"

After that, we also visited my old high school, Kolej Yayasan Saad. Didn't realize that I didn't bring Mr. here before. I thought I did! Mr. was impressed with the school, saying things like "No wonder budak-budak sekolah korang power," and "I think there's no more excuse for you not to excel in what you do," (pressure! pressure!) but I on the other hand, had a lot of memories coming back. I remembered how much fun high school was, and how I miss being around people who are always motivated and excel in all that they do. I was determined that my children will not only have the same kind of education, but better!

Here's a short video of my trip back to school:

Other than that, we did the usual Malacca touristy- thing; we had asam pedas at Kota Laksamana (which was really good btw) and also had cendol at Jonker Street, bought some nyonya pineapple tarts.

However, things turned sour when Aisya fell down a bench, head first! She was crying and crying and the she stopped and fell asleep. I wasn't that worried initially but when she woke up from sleep, and then vomitted, I became worried. Everyone knows that a head fall, followed by vomitting is an emergency. And we were in Malacca!

After 3 more time of vomitting, we decided to bring her to the nearest private hospital, which was KPJ. Brought her to ER, and then when Dr. examined her, she told us that her worry is not the concussion, but actually internal brain bleeding.

Initially, I was worried. But the word 'internal brain bleeding' really got me. Aisya had to go through a CT scan and while waiting for the results, I tried my best to keep calm. Both me and Mr. But I guess the waiting was a little too long and then suddenly, I just broke down and cried. My mind was going to unexpected places! What if.... What if....

You can imagine how relieved I was when Dr. called us and told us that everything looks okay; no cracks, no bleeding. Alhamdulillah, it was probably only a slight concussion that may have caused dizziness - which may have resulted to her subsequent vomiting.

Oh my. Being a mom, I tell you, can really be a rollercoaster ride of emotions! Always, always testing you. Having to smile and show that I'm strong to my child, when the truth is, inside, I was really really scared.

Things can just happen, randomly, out of nowhere. It was a good reminder for me. It was an incident, that couldn't be avoided. She just fell down! But here's the thing, are you always prepared for the worst consequences?

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