Has it really been 5 years?
Just a few minutes ago, a group of newbies stood in front of my cubicle. The HR Representative introduced them to the team, this is so and so... and that is so and so.
We have heard of this. 12 fresh graduates being hired into Engineering Graduate Program. In the midst of people being laid off, it seems that we need more people in the operation/project team to assist. They must be the chosen ones.
(Actually, it is quite true that there are a redundant of staffs in certain departments here; which is probably also why they're offering VSS to certain departments)
So anyways. Back to these newbies. You can see it in them; FRESH and EXCITED! You can feel their vibes; smilling and walking confidently. I smiled - as this really reminds me of my own self, 5 years back, also being absorbed into the same program. I was excited to enter this new chapter of my life. I was looking forward to finally start my career upon graduation.
Wow. Has it really been 5 years?
I have started naively. Introduced to the oil and gas industry during my first year. Got involved with a lot of projects. I was groomed well through this program and I have learnt a lot from all these experiences. I got married to someone I met here. I'm now a mummy. Oh wow. 5 years? Really?
I know that there are still a lot more that I can learn. Experience is always the best teacher. But the heart says otherwise. Never have I expected that I will be leaving my career to do something on my own, never! Yet, it feels right.
Maybe its my time now to be that newbie again, but in a different world. I can see it in myself, EXCITED!
I wish the newbies the very best in this new chapter of theirs. May they excel and always challenge themselves to be better. Keep the positive spirit going. Be someone. Contribute. Take responsibilities. Lead. In everything that they do.
I, on the other hand, will be opening a new chapter myself :)