Today's Rawak Ramblings
# Mr. presented his thesis this morning, insyaAllah this will be the finale of his Thesis Saga.
# Doctor said I cannot be pregnant for another 3 more months to let my womb heal properly. By then, Aisya will be exactly 2 years old.
# After attending Twins of Faith 2014 last weekend, I'm getting even more thirsty for more knowledge. The iman boost that you get after attending these kind of talks is just awesome! Now, to maintain it.
# I got myself Neelofa's Collagen product - The Bellavita. Tried it for the first time yesterday. Nice smell, awful taste, but managed to swallow it down. Lets see what wonders can this product bring.
# Its funny how other people around me are more concerned about what I'm supposed to eat and what not to eat after a miscarriage. Not too sure if its 'caring' or 'busybody'.
# It has been very easy to out Aisya to sleep these days, alhamdulillah! She also doesn't wake up at night anymore, so I'm actually sleeping throughout the night now.
# Mr. said I should start exercising. I'm probably losing too much weight because I'm unhealthy.
# I'm wearing socks to office today to cover my aurah. I tried this during Ramadhan but didn't last long. Semoga istiqamah this time around.
# I'm seeing even more hikmah (reasons) behind my recent miscarriage. So many! Allah really knows best, masyaAllah.