5 Methods in attaining goals

I just completed reading "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" by Robin Sharma.  This book was first published in 1997 and has sold around 3 million copies world wide. I was looking for a new book to read after completing the 600 pages of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. A different genre actually but nonetheless, it was still a good book although I wouldn't rate it more than 4 stars from total 5.

Some good points to be shared from the books are:-

5 steps method in attaining goals:

1.     To form a clear mental image of the outcome.
a.     If it is about losing weight, envision yourself as someone lean every morning.
b.     Picturing the goal would ultimately open the gateway to the actualization of the desire
c.      (Have a clear vision of your outcome)

2.     Get some positive pressure on yourself
a.     Why people fail in their resolution is because it is easy to slip back into the old ways
b.     Pressure can lead you to great ends
c.      People generally achieve greatness when their backs are off the walls and they tap themselves into human potential that lies within them
                                               i.     One way is to use the public pledge method
                                              ii.     Associate pleasure with good habits and punishment with bad ones

3.     Never set a goal without a timeline
a.     Attach a precise timeline

4.     A goal which is not committed on a paper is a no goal
a.     Call it your dream book – fill with desires, dreams and objectives
b.     Get to know yourself and what you are all about- strengths, weakness, hopes and dreams
c.      The Chinese define as 3 mirrors:-
                                               i.     How you see yourself
                                              ii.     How others see you
                                            iii.     Reflect the truth
d.     Divide the dream book into several section
                                               i.     e.g. have sections for physical fitness, financial goals, personal goals, relationship goals and spiritual goals
e.     Fill up the dream books with pictures
                                               i.     If u want to lose weight, put a lean body pictures

5.     Magic rule of 21
a.     New habits can only be formed in 21 days
b.     A bad habit cannot be erased but it can be replaced
c.      Direct so much energy toward it that the old one slips away like unwelcome house guest

Ok. Let's try this and see the end result in 3 weeks time.

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