I'm back in Uni.

So I'm back to my studies now after a 5-months break. I've got one more semester to go, precisely 3 more months. This final 3 months of studying and working can be quite a nuisance as I've got a mini-thesis to be submitted by the end of the semester - back to conducting experiments! Just like what I did in my final year degree. Urghhhh. I dislike research/thesis experiments very very much.

Sometimes, I'm just too tired from work to even think about uni. I need to set appointments to meet up with my supervisor during office hours and I need to conduct experiments outside office hours. I'm not too sure how the coming 3 months is going to turn out.

Work isn't helping much either. With the ongoing and upcoming project, I'm just soo caught up that I'm constantly worried on whether I can handle this.

And then, there's the engagement and wedding preparation.

....after a few moments of breathing.....

Worry not! Let's just plan ahead.. plan and plan. Spend less time worrying, spend more time doing. JUST.DO.IT.

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