The last time I've completed reading the whole book of Quran (khatam) was when I was 11 years old. After that, I read the Yasin every week (due to weekly school religious activities) and randomly the Quran (maybe 3 times a year?).
During my recent Umrah trip, I felt some calmness when reading the Quran and ever since that, I've been trying to make it a habit to read it everyday here back home. However, I fail miserably. Up till today, I still haven't completed the first surah.
An aunty of mine told me this: "Try reading the Quran everyday for 2 weeks, and then notice the differences. After that, try stopping for a'll notice the effects of reading the Quran. Ada mukjizatnya..."
I have never given that a try. I should. I really should.
Today, I read somewhere on Tumblr that during this month of Rejab and Syaaban, we should try reading the Quran, at least a page a day, or even half-a-page a day...and take it as a practice towards the Ramadhan month. Come Ramadhan, try reading 1 Juzu' (chapter) per day..and by 30 days, you can then khatam the Quran, insyaAllah..."
Hmmm. Maybe I should try that....JOM? JOM!
During my recent Umrah trip, I felt some calmness when reading the Quran and ever since that, I've been trying to make it a habit to read it everyday here back home. However, I fail miserably. Up till today, I still haven't completed the first surah.
An aunty of mine told me this: "Try reading the Quran everyday for 2 weeks, and then notice the differences. After that, try stopping for a'll notice the effects of reading the Quran. Ada mukjizatnya..."
I have never given that a try. I should. I really should.
Today, I read somewhere on Tumblr that during this month of Rejab and Syaaban, we should try reading the Quran, at least a page a day, or even half-a-page a day...and take it as a practice towards the Ramadhan month. Come Ramadhan, try reading 1 Juzu' (chapter) per day..and by 30 days, you can then khatam the Quran, insyaAllah..."
Hmmm. Maybe I should try that....JOM? JOM!
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via Zamzammee “Allahumma bariklana fi Rajab, wa Syaaban, wa ballighnia Ramadhan.”
I may be lucky, as some may say, in which, syukur. But I realized that along the way, because of this lucky charm, I may have never tasted defeat. I have never fallen smack to the ground and gathered all my strength to get up and be stronger.
Yes, I have tasted losing to a competition; I've lost in athletics for instance, appearing last but I ran away..I moved to something in which I can win. It's natural really, you move to something that you're good at, and for me it was swimming. The moment I joined the swimming team back in high school, I didn't even hope of winning. But when I swam my first inter-house championship, I became the champion, without even much hardwork. Then on, I just kept winning. When the state champ joined our team, I got second place..and I told myself, "Oh well.. she's just state champ..what can I expect.." BUT I DIDN'T FIGHT FOR IT. I DIDN'T STRIVE TO BE THE BEST.
Another girl in out team, who always got the third placing, somehow took the challenge, trained REALLY hard and she surprisingly one day got the first place.. while I took over her place, being in the third. And still, at that point, I told myself.. "Oh well.. I've been a champ before.."
And this applies to almost everything else in life. I do my work in the office, without much hardwork, and then I succeed impressing all the bosses. I did my PTS book exercises when I was in Standard 3, and then I found out one day that I passed it and I skipped Standard 4. I studied last minute in uni, and then I passed, although at the passing line, but I passed. And then, I just feel okay about it. I don't have to work hard on my body, because my weight is always okay. I thought of organizing an event, and did it successfully with my friends. I just don't seem to have to work really hard to get 'okay' results.
I never really failed. I may have been defeated, but never really tasted it. And when I tasted a little bit of failure, just a little bit, I cry. I cry so easily. Then I moved to something else (or should I say, run?) in which I don't have to face the failure. I ignore them. I never really keep on failing on the same thing and then gathered my strength to try to win it. I've never been a winner in my own life failure.
I played tennis once, and then I sucked really bad at my first attempt.. and then I just didn't want to play it anymore. I told everyone else "Tennis is such a boring game..its not my thing.." when the real reason to it is that I failed at it..and I couldn't even acknowledge that to myself! I gave up without even trying. There's just even more other life examples.
They say that sometimes people don't say out their goals out loud because they're afraid of failing. They're so afraid that they don't say it out loud even to their own self! I have NEVER had a new years resolution EVER in my life. I've never really set a target to achieve something.. because you know why? I've had such committed parents who would always helped me to achieve something, or even direct me to success and I've also always been lucky...that things always turn out good.
Why be complacent Miss? Why always accept things the way they are? Imagine if I were to work a little harder, I would have been excellent. Why be okay when you can be excellent? If I am that lucky, why not use it? WHY be complacent??
This is something that I learned about myself from Mr. He keeps on telling me.."I don't understand why you don't want to try harder? Yes, you're doing okay. But why be okay? Why not be the best?" My answer? "Why fix something when there's nothing wrong?". But its not fixing. Its improving!
And so, these days, I've been trying to be the best. I set small targets at myself. I try to achieve them and when I fail at the smallest attempt, I cry. I complain. That's just how accustomed I've been to spoilt I've been to winning and to running away from failing. And that needs to change.
I'm not saying that we have to necessarily fall flat ground on the floor in life in order to succeed. We just have to keep on challenging ourselves to be the best, and face whatever failures that come along the way, small or big.
That is why all the successful people you see in the world these days have their life story to share. They all have one common thing: They've tasted defeat, and took the challenge.
Mr has tasted failure in life. And he's going to have a story to share too one day, insyaAllah.
We can stay there at that comfort zone, and still live a normal happy life. It really is up to you. Then again, question yourself, why just be okay when you can be better? Why be better when you can be the best?
I had a discussion with my General Manager on work issues. Well, I was talking about our vendor list and she said to me a few things:
1. Don't talk, just do.
2. Do things better from the beginning as this will add on to the work values. It can give a significant impact towards the work.
3. Do more homework/ research since I am on the verge of quitting smoking.
4. Complaint sucks. Be more positive in changing the wrong things.
Ok, good advise. That's why she's the GM and I'm the executive. Point taken boss!
1. Don't talk, just do.
2. Do things better from the beginning as this will add on to the work values. It can give a significant impact towards the work.
3. Do more homework/ research since I am on the verge of quitting smoking.
4. Complaint sucks. Be more positive in changing the wrong things.
Ok, good advise. That's why she's the GM and I'm the executive. Point taken boss!
I woke up at 5am in the morning and I had some difficulty in breathing. I prayed Isya' and slept again. Woke up and felt something is going to be wrong with me. Sick?
Well, in the office, i was a little quiet today. In the morning, my boss came over to me and ask me how's your lung? I'm like, what? my lung? Oh, I just said I'm not feeling that good. He said that there's nothing wrong with me (he knows I am quitting my ciggies). It's all in the head. I just sit and listen to the old man babbling.
He called me to his room and was giving me some words of advise.
1. You started smoking because you want to be the macho man. Puffing here and there and acted like you are a man. (well, this happens to most guys/ gals).
2. The cigarette can lead to impotence one day. (I head about this when I was young).
3. My wife loves me and that's why she is asking/ persuading me to quit. (ok, for whatever reason it is, it is for something good. I'll do it and I am still doing it).
Well, today is my 2nd week of quitting. Not bad actually. This time I am quitting for real. Should be.
So far, I managed to control the urge to smoke. My ways of controlling the urge is :-
1. Eat less/ eat before I get full.
2. Drink loads and loads of plain water.
3. Start exercising - well, it ain't easy but I am trying my best to exercise. Hopefully this will be my changes in the coming months.
4. Don't talk about cigarette. You talk, you are missing it. DON't talk. I am doing that and so far it works.
My ultimate goal is to quit smoking as I believe it can give me a lot of motivation in my life. Quitting something that you like is like sacrificing some part of your life isn't it?
Pleasure is eternal. You develop and you invest in eternal happiness.
Don't be cheated and fooled by the society and media.
You create you life. Whatever happens in the past is for you to create a better history. Mourning is for sore losers. Wake up. Be the man!
We are the champion.
Well, in the office, i was a little quiet today. In the morning, my boss came over to me and ask me how's your lung? I'm like, what? my lung? Oh, I just said I'm not feeling that good. He said that there's nothing wrong with me (he knows I am quitting my ciggies). It's all in the head. I just sit and listen to the old man babbling.
He called me to his room and was giving me some words of advise.
1. You started smoking because you want to be the macho man. Puffing here and there and acted like you are a man. (well, this happens to most guys/ gals).
2. The cigarette can lead to impotence one day. (I head about this when I was young).
3. My wife loves me and that's why she is asking/ persuading me to quit. (ok, for whatever reason it is, it is for something good. I'll do it and I am still doing it).
Well, today is my 2nd week of quitting. Not bad actually. This time I am quitting for real. Should be.
So far, I managed to control the urge to smoke. My ways of controlling the urge is :-
1. Eat less/ eat before I get full.
2. Drink loads and loads of plain water.
3. Start exercising - well, it ain't easy but I am trying my best to exercise. Hopefully this will be my changes in the coming months.
4. Don't talk about cigarette. You talk, you are missing it. DON't talk. I am doing that and so far it works.
My ultimate goal is to quit smoking as I believe it can give me a lot of motivation in my life. Quitting something that you like is like sacrificing some part of your life isn't it?
Pleasure is eternal. You develop and you invest in eternal happiness.
Don't be cheated and fooled by the society and media.
You create you life. Whatever happens in the past is for you to create a better history. Mourning is for sore losers. Wake up. Be the man!
We are the champion.